Welcome Back Students and Parents

Welcome back to all of our students and parents and a very warm welcome to our new ISB families. We hope everyone has enjoyed a wonderful, safe holiday and is ready to get back to school.

We have been at school for two weeks getting everything ready for you to start the new school year.  Our teachers have been involved in professional learning on a variety of topics,  our IAs have been busy preparing classrooms and our counselors, EAL and LS staff busy with new student admissions and assessments.

Class lists have been posted at the ES Office or you can click here.  Great care and consideration goes into placing students into classes and reflects input from teachers, counselors and principals.  Creating learning environments that enable optimal learning conditions is our primary aim.  Children been placed in classes in the belief that they have the best opportunities for learning growth in that room.

Parents are strongly encouraged to support the school’s decision about the placement of their children and thank you in advance for your co-operation and positivity in this regard.

When you come to school on Tuesday August 14th (Grades 2-5 only), please go to your classroom to meet your teacher and drop off your belongings, then you can go out to the Big Toy or stay in class and get settled in. Classes start at 7:25am.  The same procedure happens on Wednesday, August 15 for grade 1 and Thursday, August 16 for PK and Kindergarten.


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