MS Welcome Back

Greetings from the ISB Middle School – Some Important Information Before School Opens Tuesday, August 14th

Dear MS Students and Parents,

On behalf of the ISB Middle School faculty and staff, we would like to convey a warm welcome to those new to ISB and the middle school, and of course to all of our returning middle school families!

We are looking forward to the start of the 2012-13 school year and to working with our wonderful middle school students.

Following is some important information:

1.  For all new families to ISB, reminder, there is a MS New Student/Parent Orientation scheduled for Saturday August 11th at 10:30am in the Cultural Center Theatre.

2.  For all 6th graders who were here at ISB last year in 5th Grade, reminder, there is a 6th grade welcome scheduled for Saturday August 11th at 2:00pm in the Cultural Center Theatre.

3.  For all returning students and parents, we are presently in the final stages of scheduling all middle school students.  Your access to PowerSchool is closed during this time.  Any student schedules you may have seen earlier this summer prior to PowerSchool being closed was a work in progress and may have changed since then.  You will be able to access PowerSchool and your schedule after 5:00pm on Monday, August 13th.

4.  The 2012-13 school year begins on Tuesday, August 14th with students meeting in their Synergy groups at 7:20am where all students will receive a paper copy of their Quarter 1 Schedule.  Students can check the bulletin boards in the MS Quad area (behind the MS Office) on the first day of school to find out what Synergy group they are in and location, or may look this information up on PowerSchool anytime after 5:00pm on Monday, August 13th (for all returning students).

5.  First day of school, Tuesday August 14th, will be a special schedule starting the morning in Synergy class, followed by shortened periods 1 – 8, and ending the day with a MS Assembly.  Students are expected to be in school uniform.  The bookstore is open for school supplies, although it is advisable to make purchases before August 14th, as queues can be long on the first day of school.

6.  Students will be issued a school laptop computer via a special Synergy session last half hour of day on Wednesday, August 15th.  All 6th grade and new students to ISB Middle School will participate in three laptop tutorial sessions sometime during the first few days of school.  All returning 7th and 8th grade students will participate in one laptop tutorial session sometime within the first few days of school.

7.  Sometime within first five days of school, all students in middle school will have taken a pre-assessment during their scheduled math class.  Teachers will be letting their classes know on the first day of school, what day(s) they will be taking their pre-assessment.  Any student who performs significantly well on his/her pre-assessment will be considered for possible shifting into the next math program level.

Once again, welcome and best wishes for the coming year. Please contact one of us if there is any way we can be of assistance.


Tom Burgess
Middle School Principal

Moe Baron-Toaldo
Middle School Vice-Principal

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