New Parents- stop by the Welcome Table

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Title: New Parents- stop by the Welcome Table during the first week of school (7:15 am-9:00 am)

New Parents, during the first week of school we will have a Welcome Table located just outside the admissions office (Tuesday it will be located at the parent welcome coffee in the MS/HS cafeteria).  Our Welcome Wai Committee will be available to answer any questions you may have about ISB, Nichada, or Bangkok in general. And if we don’t know the answer, we can probably point you in the right direction to find the answer.  Welcome to ISB!

Date:  Tuesday, August 14th – Friday, August 17th
Time:  7:20 am – 9:00 am
Where: Tuesday (MS/HS cafeteria)/ Wednesday-Friday (outside the admissions office)

Sponsored by the Welcome Wai Committee, part of the PTA

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