Counseling News

By Cathy Curtis
Contact Email:

The year is winding down but at times that means that the stress level is winding up.  This is a good time to talk with your son or daughter about having too much to do… and not leaving enough time for a good night’s sleep and having meals that are calm and relaxed.  Keep your eye on the time management and the stress level.  If you think times are a bit tough for them, please remind them that their counselor is available.

Seniors have a wonderful day planned for Monday, June 28th (which is counted as a regular school day) with tips to make heading off to university a bit easier.  Also, as a special part of the transitions day, Seniors will receive their yearbooks as well as a parting gift from their counselor to, again, help ease their transition.  Lunch will be provided by monies from the PTA (thanks!).

Senior Transition begins at 7:20 in the Chevron Theatre (this is a change).  Also, seniors need to have their check out forms completed by 7:20 as well.

Grades 9 – 11 need to be sure that they are planning ahead in studying for finals so that they will not be tempted to cram studying into the last few hours before an exam.  Long term planning is the best in studying for final exams.

The last SAT exam will be giving on June 2nd.

This week we had our last University Visits of the year from Westminster College, George Washington University and Yale-NUS / Yale University.  That concludes our University visits for the year.  ISB hosted over 220 university visits in the 2011-2012 academic year!  Truly an amazing statistic.  Our students are the beneficiaries of representatives from universities all over the globe.

Our first scheduled University visit for 2012-2013:

Kwansei Gakuin University Mr. Keishi & Mr. Uanoya Tue August 28, 2012

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