IB/AP news

By Jayne Lund
Contact Email: jaynel@isb.ac.th


Good luck to all our exam takers! Almost there!

Examinations still in session!  

The final two days of IB exams are next week! The last exams are French A2, B and ab initio on Tuesday morning.

The IB examinations are mailed out every afternoon to either examiners directly or, more increasingly, a document scanning centre. More and more IB exams are scanned and sent to examiners electronically and this will be the trend for another two or three years until all exam papers will be scanned. In the meantime packets will be sent to many parts of the world for grading.

Legalization requests

Some universities and colleges in some countries require an official authorization of the IB results. This service is available from IB but requires an application and payment (differs from country to country).  Please visit the ISB IB blog  https://inside.isb.ac.th/ib  to check for details if you plan to study outside of the USA, Canada, UK, or Australia.

For your calendar:  IB Diploma Seniors Celebration June 6, 5.30 p.m. (before the HS Awards at 6.30)

Please reply to the invitation

emailed directly to parents so we can be sure to have enough food and seating. Many thanks.  

Every year we gather together, students, parents and teachers, to celebrate the success of our IB Diploma seniors completing their journey through the Diploma programme. This year is no exception and plans are already underway. The celebration is strategically calendared before High School Awards evening and food is provided for all attending.

Last year we had a tremendous turnout and a great evening. We look forward to seeing all IB Diploma seniors and their families.

Study leave  

IB diploma seniors are now released from all their classes.

Other senior IB exam takers are also released from their IB exam classes and should be attending remaining non-exam and regular ISB classes. 

Non-diploma seniors will non-exam classes must continue to attend until the senior exams begin.

Juniors taking IB exams with submitted requests have approved ‘day off’ prior to their exam for studying.  

All students on study leave should be studying at home and only return to campus either for a prearranged meeting with a teacher or to take an examination.  Please see section on Gate passes.

If you wish to study for exams at school please see Miss Lund.

Using your time well is important. Please respect other students whileat school, they also need to be studying or completing semester work for credit.

Monday, May 7th Coronation Day (Public holiday) Bussing

Students requesting bussing to school for examinations on Monday, May 7th will be informed of the pick-up and return details by email.  Students must adhere to these arrangements.


General Examination Day information  

Arrival times

Students must be in the area outside the MPB no later than 7.15 a.m. for morning exams and 11.45 a.m. for afternoon exams. There are a number of preparatory announcements to be made before they enter the exam room in silence and it is important that everyone is present to hear the announcements.

Permitted items in the exam room  

Permitted Not permitted (please secure in locker)
Writing materials in clear plastic bag

Bring all the equipment you will need for the exam – Black/blue pens, sharpened pencils, ruler, eraser

Pencil cases/boxes

Whiteout cannot be used

Calculators when required for the exam Any electronic devices (phones, Ipod, MP3, earphones, watches with audio or messaging capabilities)
Bottle of water (kept on the floor) Bags, reading/review materials of any kind
   Clothing with large front pockets, blankets, hats/caps/hoods


Gate passes – Seniors and other exam takers

All Seniors must have their gate passes with them at all times.

Students with examinations and no gate pass must report to KhunGade for a gate pass to leave the campus after an examination.

Dress code – please respect this

Taking examinations – alternate dress code only, not free choice ! (must leave campus after exam)


Clothing guidance

Examination takers may not wear sweatshirts/sweaters/jackets with large pockets or hoods in

the exam room. Please wear appropriate clothing (ie, long pants, long sleeves) to sit in an air-conditioned room for the duration of your examination.

Results service

All seniors are recommended to use the IB results service. Reporting final scores to universities and colleges speeds up the registration process in the fall as any possible credits/advanced placements will have been considered. Please keep to the deadlines – this is a lengthy clerical process for the school with strict deadlines set by IBO.

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