Cafeteria News…Did You Know?

By Michelle Ihrig
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…Some of the things that have gone on at the Cafeteria in the past year?  Let’s take a timeline glimpse from April 2011 to April 2012 – The Plastic Juice Bottle is Banned, Organic Produce Arrives, Organic Omelets Debut, Feature Salads take a Place, 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil for the Specialty Salads, New Serving and Presentation Ware take a stand, Breakfast and Snack selections Expand, The Live Feature is a Daily Event, A Vegetarian Feature gets its own Spot, The Seasonal Fruit Smoothie introduced, 1/2 Specialty Sandwiches on The Go, Friday Fries are reduced to Fridays (in HS, completely removed in ES), Sweets at the Grind Reduced and served at a later hour, Strawberry and Whole Milk are a thing of the past, Whole Fruits arrive, The ‘Green Me’ Smoothie takes veggies for a spin, Rice & Soya Milks become an Alternative, Nutrition Information begins to Appear, the original and Organic Jasberry Rice makes an entrance,  The Plastic Water Bottle is Out.  What a year!  Always looking forward to more good things to come, and welcoming your input.  Enjoy.

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