BYS Volunteers Needed

By Justin WAH
Contact Email:

Dear ISB Community,

Bangkok Youth Soccer (BYS) is in need of volunteers for next season.  In addition to the many coaches that will be needed during the season, BYS will also be looking to fill key administrative positions.  As with all the other community sports at ISB volunteers are a huge part of what makes them successful.  Kids can play sports in a safe and caring environment thanks to all of the people that give up their time on the weekends to coach their children, organize events, sell food, and cheer teams on.  Without volunteers none of these activities would happen.  BYS is now reaching out to the ISB community to ask for your help for the upcoming season.  If you are interested in any of the positions listed below, please email Joelle Butcher ( to find out in more detail what each position entails.
The following positions need to be filled for next years season:
BYS Commissioner
BYS Uniform Coordinator
BYS Registration Coordinator
BYS Coaches/Division Coordinator
BYS Advisor

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