News from Counseling

By Cathy Curtis
Contact Email:

Students in grades 9, 10 and 11 received their course selections for next year.  Please ask your son/daughter to look over their choices carefully as changing the schedule next year is always much more difficult than making a change now.  If there are any errors, please be sure to have your student see his/her counselor before 30 May.

Senior Transition – remember seniors meet at 7:20 on 28 May in the New Theatre!  

Juniorsshould be working on their university lists.  If they need any help, they should come see their counselor.  Also, this is a very important semester for 11th grade students, so they should start studying for their final exams.  Having a good showing for the second semester of grade 11 is always a positive factor for university admissions.  

Grade 9 – The last Freshmen Seminar was on May 9 & 10.  All 9th grade students came in to see their counselor and discuss how the year went, how to plan for final exams and to answer any questions about the year.

Reminder to All: Requests for documents (transcript, letters of recommendation, etc.) for summer programs or transferring to another high school (leaving ISB), please allow three weeks for processing.  Requests should be made to the student’s counselor.

All students leaving ISB should pick up a form from Khun Namwan (our registrar) in the counseling office, as they need the paperwork completed to check out.  Please do not leave this to the last minute, as she needs time to prepare documents.  Transcripts will be ready after June 15.  Obviously, those students who get their requests in early will get their transcripts first.

ISB has a summer internship program that runs from June 11-21, with pre-internship sessions on resume writing, interviewing and other skills necessary for success in the world of work.  This year we have excellent internships lined up in a variety of industries.  If you did the internship survey earlier this year you will receive an email with the application attached in the next day or two.  If you didn’t do the survey, immediately see Mr. Callahan who may be able to include you in the program if there is space for you.

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