‘Music Share’ at the End of the Year

By Ashley Jordan and Nicky Sandmann
Contact Email: esmusic@isb.ac.th

The ES Music Department will be hosting a “Music Share” on May 31 to June 7, during the last cycle of classes this school year. Similar to a “Show and Tell,” students are invited to bring in musical, dance or theatrical performances that they have prepared outside of the school day to share with an audience of their classmates and parents. While participation is optional, we encourage students to sign-up as the event is a informal and “safe” way to perform in front of others. Parents are cordially invited to their class’ share’ which will be held during music class in Ms. Sandmann’s room (4-115). A sign-up form explaining the event, its expectations and the week’s schedule has gone home with students today and is attached to this newsletter. The bottom portion of the form serves as the student’s sign-up and needs to be returned to the music rooms by May 18th.
The link for the “Music Share” info for the Parent newsletter can be found here:


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