Cafeteria News…Did You Know?

By Michelle Ihrig
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Broccoli – it is a veritable goldmine of nutrition.  In fact, it packs the most nutritional punch of any vegetable.

Botanically, broccoli belongs to the cabbage family, collectively known as cruciferous vegetables. Health organizations have singled out cruciferous vegetables as must-have foods, recommending we eat them several times a week.  To name a few of Broccoli’s noteworthy nutrients they include:  Vitamin C – which boosts our immune system and provides a potent antioxidant; Vitamin A (mostly as beta-carotene which is also a powerful antioxidant) which helps to maintain healthy skin and fight off infectious disease; Potassium- which promotes optimal brain functioning and a healthy nervous system; Magnesium and Calcium – for building strong teeth & bones; Folic Acid – which can aid in cancer prevention; and it is High in Fiber – which aids our digestive system.  I often hear the younger kids say it looks like a ‘tree’.  If we look at it from this perspective, it could be dubbed ‘the tree of life’.  Thank goodness broccoli is on offer at both cafeterias on most days, either within the menu or at the salad bar.  Enjoy.

Michelle Ihrig
Epicure Catering
Manager of Operations ISB, Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728

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