By Dave Ducharme
Contact Email:

The U11 Boys will travel to NIST this Saturday. Bus time from ISB is 6:30 AM. Please be on time. The schedule for the day is attached. Great jobs boys on Tuesday as the squad got their first win of the season at home vs. Harrow International School. It was a good test for the Panthers as they won 15-11, giving them some much needed confidence before Saturday’s tourney.
The bus seats 27, so if you would like to ride along as a parent, please let the coaches know.

On Thursday next week (17th) from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM, the Track Panthers will host a practice meet at ISB. It will be a chance for all athletes to do their best as they head toward the final track meet on the 26th. This meet will serve as a qualifier for that meet, so all Panthers need to be in attendance. Come out and support!

Remember to have hats and water bottles at all times!!!!

BISAC U11 Tee Ball Boys Tournament 2012 doc

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