Attention Soccer Players

By Justin WAH
Contact Email:

The best way for any athlete to reach his/her full potential is to train in the off-season.

Soccer is no exception, the time any player invests over the summer months will be hugely beneficial, not only to them as individuals, but for the entire team.

ISB Varsity Boys Coach Justin Wah and Physical Therapist Thomas Engberts are offering a short course that will assist players to be better prepared for the upcoming Soccer seasons.   Ball Mastery and explosive movements will be the main components of the two day course.

Open to grade 9-11, boys and girls that are interested in trying out for Varsity Soccer next year (selected 8th graders will also be invited).

When: Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd May, 3pm-5pm

Cost: FREE

Please go to the following link to sign-up:

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