News from Counseling Office

By Cathy Curtis
Contact Email:

Senior Transition Day is coming: Seniors have been sent a ‘choice’ form for their Senior Transition Day so that they may decide which sessions they would like to attend (great choices, from Banking, to Sewing and Laundry to dealing with a Naked Roommate!).  The Day is May 28, 2012 and the last session of the day will be with their own counselor (a time to say goodbye and wish everyone well and well as a few more housekeeping details like their check out forms – no form = no transcripts…yikes!).

IB exams have started – if your son/daughter is feeling stressed/overwhelmed, please have him/her come see the counselors.  This is a busy, stressful time, and students may need a bit of help

Grade 11:  We just finished our last Junior Seminar (be sure to ask your Junior about this session!) on Thursday, May 3rd during flex.

Juniors should be developing their “long list” of colleges and universities and are reminded to attend and meet with admissions representatives when they visit ISB.  Even if Juniors do not apply to a particular university, they can still learn something about admissions, university organization, college majors, and learn helpful hints about the application process.  Check Naviance for the list of university visits (and see below).

On-line SAT Deadline for the JUNE SAT I and II is May 8.  Juniors who will need a TOEFL for admissions purposes should sign up soon at

Last Freshmen Seminar on May 9 & 10.  A reminder to all Freshmen students that there is a Freshmen Seminar during their ‘free’ period on May 9 or 10.  Students will meet in the Counseling Office to speak with their counselor individually.

Reminder to All: Requests for documents (transcript, letters of recommendation, etc.) for summer programs or transferring to another high school (leaving ISB), please allow three weeks for processing.  Requests should be made to the student’s counselor.

All students leaving ISB should pick up a form from Khun Namwan (our registrar) in the counseling office, as they need the paperwork completed to check out.  Please do not leave this to the last minute, as she needs time to prepare documents.  Transcripts will be ready after June 15.  Obviously, those students who get their requests in early will get their transcripts first.

ISB has a summer internship program that runs from June 11-21, with pre-internship sessions on resume writing, interviewing and other skills necessary for success in the world of work.  This year we have excellent internships lined up in a variety of industries.  If you did the internship survey earlier this year you will receive an email with the application attached in the next day or two.  If you didn’t do the survey, immediately see Mr. Callahan who may be able to include you in the program if there is space for you.

Upcoming University Visits (Consult Naviance for any additions or changes)

University of the Arts London May 10 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
University of Chicago May 17 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
Westminster College May 21 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
George Washington University May 23 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
Yale NUS College (Singapore) May 25 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
Yale University May 25 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
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