Music Share May 31 – June 8, 2012

By Ashley Jordan and Nicky Sandmann
Contact Email:

Dear ES community,

At the end of our school year the ES Music Department will be hosting a “Music Share,” a time for students to bring in music, drama, or dance performances to share with an audience of parents and their peers. Students are invited to perform a 2-3 minute piece that they have prepared outside of music to share with their class.

Students are expected to practice and provide their own materials for their performance (sheet music, backing cd, instruments, etc). The Music Department will provide a stage, microphones, piano, drum set and guitar amps.

The Music Share is optional and students who choose not to perform will serve as audience members for their session. We encourage students to consider participating in this event, as this is a great informal opportunity to perform in front of a live audience.

Sing a song. Play the piano. Dance a tap dance.  Read a poem. Do a magic trick. Tell a joke.

Parents and teachers are welcome to join us for this event, which will be held in the music room J-115.  The schedule of this year’s Music Share is included below. Please fill out the included form and return to the music room no later than May 18th.

Please see attached for schedule and form.
Music Share Registration 2012-1

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