Don’t miss ExPOEse

By Jo Hanson
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Don’t miss ExPOEse – the last HS Drama performance of the year

ExPOEsé – an Expressionist Interpretation of the Life and Work of Edgar Allan Poe. Come and experience the strange and the bizarre!

This performance is not suitable for students aged 12 and under. The drama students have devised their own movement for this dark and disturbing play, based on the stories of The Pit and the Pendulum, Ligeia, and The Masque of the Red Death, Poe’s letters, and the poems Dreamland and The Raven.

There are two performances in the New Theatre: Friday May 4th at 3:00pm (tickets: students 50 baht, adults 100 baht) and on Saturday May 5th, which includes the Red Carpet Event before the show (Red Carpet in the Foyer of the New Theatre at 5:30pm sponsored by our fantastic BOOSTER club, and the show at 6:30pm. Tickets: students 100 baht, adults 200 baht).
Tickets are on sale during HS lunch in the main cafeteria and at the door on performance days – there is assigned seating so get your tickets early to get the best seats

We look forward to seeing you, for our last performances of the year, and thank you for your support.
The shows will start on time, so please do not be late, or you will not be admitted as you will disrupt the performance.


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