Board Chair Parent Letter

By Marc De Vries
Contact Email:

Dear ISB Parent,

Happy Thai New Year! As the summer temperatures rise, the ISA BOT election campaign is also heating-up with a Meet the Candidates night scheduled for Wednesday May 2nd and elections to be held on May 22nd.  You’re encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity get to know the candidates a bit better and we look forward to having your ballots submitted at ISB’s polling station on election day.

Last Tuesday April 10th the ISA Board of Trustees held its ninth monthly meeting. I would like to summarize the results of our Board meeting as follows:


Ms. Eid provided a bi-monthly update of PTA activities.  The PTA recently surveyed ISB parents regarding the value of different PTA activities.  Over 250 parents responded to the survey and Ms. Eid distributed the results to the BOT.  The PTA Executive Board recently underwent a strategy session and the survey results were used as a basis for discussion and future planning.


Dr. Curtis presented the SAT II Subject Area Test Results from 2008-2011 in the areas of English Literature, Biology-Ecology, Biology-Molecular, Chemistry, Physics, Math Level 1, and Math Level 2.   Mr. Bradley stated that some recent changes in the high school include assessment methods, subject specific changes, and new standards.  Several new classes are being offered next year including Engineering and Design Robotics (1 and 2)  regular (non-IB) Biology, and IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science.  At the May retreat, the BOT will continue to look at how ISB effectively prepares students for US and international colleges.


Mr. Sypolt provided an update of the business committee. Construction of the sports complex is proceeding smoothly with planned opening at the beginning of the second semester of next school year. The committee has started the process of re-examining the financial matrix and will report to the BOT in the May meeting


Ms. Davy provided an overview of the 3 April 2012 COT meeting. The COT is currently laying the groundwork for the 24 August 2012 BOT retreat and 25 August futures exercise.  This strategic planning exercise will involve administration and multiple stakeholders, including students.  The COT will meet with Ms. Bambi Betts, Board Consultant, in the near future to plan the August events.

Mr. Bates reported the school-parent communication focus group data and action plan.  A copy of the project’s qualitative data was distributed to trustees.   Areas that were explored were linked to information, communication, and support for student learning.  Re-occurring, topics included the following:

·   Website

·   Information Overload

·   Consistency

·   School Response Procedures

·   Student Led  Conferences

The Leadership Team will formulate an action plan based on these data and this topic will be further discussed at the 1 June BOT retreat. Ms. Davy provided an update of the 2012 BOT election.


Mr. Bates provided an update on the progress of the e-learning program.  A handbook with protocols has been developed to streamline the e-learning program to:

·   Improve consistency between teachers on how lessons are delivered.

·   Establish common expectations.

·   Create structure for students and teachers.

·   Communicate best practices.

Teachers will have professional development in eLearning skills. Part of this training will include the opportunity to take part in on-line learning.  Parents are responsible for providing a supportive home learning environment. Administration is confident that the next e-learning experience will be much improved.


Dr. Gerritz provided copies of the draft 2012 ISB Graduate Survey and 2012 Parent Survey and asked for feedback from the board.  He added that questions related to the school-parent communications study will be added.


The Concert in the Park organizers were thanked for an excellent event.

It was noted that a group of selected trustees met with administration regarding the recent resignation of a teacher.  It was felt that the issue needed to be explored deeper and discussed in more detail.  The trustees present unanimously agreed that due process was taken.


Mr. Ma presented the Strategic and Learning Committee’s work on the Thai admissions process.  The Board decided to adopt the proposed process improvements and formalize the current Thai enrollment guidelines of maximum 20% for all grades Pre-k to 12, with a possible addition of up to 5% for applicants with high levels of English language fluency and exceptional academic strengths in grades 8-12. The BOT also decided to require administration to report twice each year on Thai admission statistics. Formalizing the Thai admissions practice gives firm guidelines to the administration and improved transparency for Thai student applicants.


Mr. Marc De Vries

Chair – ISB Board of Trustees



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