By Dave Ducharme
Contact Email:

The U11 Tball boys managed to score 16 runs in their second home game of the season. This offensive output is much better than the first week, showing that their bats are getting stronger. The team did not prevail vs. Shrewsbury, but they are understanding the game much better. As the team is full of many first time baseballers, it is promising to see the improvement happening. The team’s is trying to schedule a game on Tuesday May 8th vs. Harrow. It will be a final test before their tournament to be held at NIST on the 12th.
Coaches will be sending out tournament and bus details soon.

Good luck ISB!!!

The Track and Field team will host a practice meet at ISB on May 17th at 3:00 PM. This meet will run over bus time, so parents will need to pick up their children following the meet, approx. 5:00 PM. This meet will also serve as a warm up for their final track meet of the season at ISB on May 26th. So far, NIST and ASB are confirmed to attend on the 17th.

Reminder for athletes to be properly hydrated and dressed out for all practices.

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