By Dave Ducharme
Contact Email:

Track and Field began on Monday with over 35 Grade 4 & 5 students joining. Picture is attached. The tracksters will prepare for their meet at ISB on Saturday, May 26th. A practice meet is in the works currently with a possibility of it being held at ISB on Thursday, May 17th with BPS, NIST and ISB. More details to come!

Thanks to coaches Ute, Angela and Eike for your work with the ES athletes!

Tball boys had their first game of the season with NIST on Tuesday. Although the boys did not prevail in their first test of the year, a lot of game type learning occurred in the game. Catching, base running, positional play, team chemistry and sportsmanship were all part of the learning on the day. Next game for the U11’s is on Tuesday, May1st vs. Shrewsbury. The game will begin at 3:00 pm at ISB. As the game will run later than bus time, parents are expected to pick up their children after the game at approximately 4:30.

Tball championships are at NIST on May 12th.

Thanks to coaches Boom and Kim for your work with the team.

Go ES panthers!

D. Ducharme

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