New Head of School Parent Focus Groups

By Andrew DAVIES
Contact Email:

Dear ISB Parents,

As many of you will be aware, I will be transitioning from Deputy Head of School for Learning to ISB’s Head of School next year. To help with my transition and my understanding of how we can improve as a school, I will be setting up some parent focus groups from 2 – 4 May. I will also be meeting with faculty, student and classified staff groups.

If you are interested in taking part, please email my secretary by Monday 30th April (Khun Pyee at indicating if you would like to be in the ES, MS or HS group(s). I will then put together the groups and get back to you with room locations. The meeting details are as follows:

HS Parent Focus Group – Wednesday 2 May, 12:00 to 1:30 : Web 2.0
MS Parent Focus Group – Thursday 3 May, 8:00 to 9:30  : HS Conference Room
ES Parent Focus Group – Friday 4 May, 8:00 to 9:30 : Web 2.0

If you would prefer to give feedback in other ways, the options below are also possible:

1. Email me at
2. Schedule an appointment through Khun Pyee  –
3. Complete the parent survey that will reach all parents in May

I think almost all of us would agree that ISB is a good school that can always get better. To get better, we need to make sure we have regular forums for parents, students, teachers and staff to provide feedback, concerns and suggestions. With this in mind, I will be exploring new avenues for ISB constituents to share their views next school year.

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