Parent Input for Class Placement

By Doug Williamson
Contact Email:

Parents who want to provide input regarding their child(ren)’s placement to be considered during the class building process for the 2012/13 school year may pick up a form in the Counseling Office starting Monday, March 19, 2012. The forms are due back in the Counseling Office by Friday, April 6, 2012. Please bear in mind parents cannot request a teacher by name.

As we build classes for the next school year a great deal of time and effort is spent dividing students into the various classes.  Class placement is based on input from teachers, counselors, principals, and parents. Essentially, six factors are considered in making classroom placements.  The purpose of using these criteria is to ensure that each class is heterogeneously mixed with a productive balance of students. These factors are:

  1. Balance of Gender: We strive for close to equal numbers of girls and boys in each section.
  2. Balance of Native and Non-Native English Speakers: We distribute students into sections based upon their level of English proficiency and native language status in order to have a balance of fluent and non-fluent speakers in each classroom.
  3. Balance by Academic Ability: Our students are grouped into sections with a heterogeneous distribution of academic ability.
  4. Balance of Nationality: As an international school, we seek to create sections that reflect a balanced distribution of the nationalities of students at our school.
  5. Balance of Behavior and Maturity Levels: Our students are grouped into sections with a distribution of children at a variety of self-directed behavior and maturity levels.
  6. Social Relationships: In some cases it is beneficial to the functioning of the classroom and students themselves for certain children to be either placed with or separated from friends and classmates.

If parents are unable to drive to ISB, please contact Khun Kunlawan at who can email the forms.

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