Counseling News

By Jeffrey Harper
Contact Email:

Course Registration 2012-2013:  Currently on-line: March 21-28.

Senior Transition: Only one (1) day, May 28, 2012. Mark your calendars (new date).

Grade 9:  Freshmen met individually with their Counselors on March 19 and 20 and discussed their current academic performance, support needs, and course registration for the 2012-2013 school year.  Have a conversation about your children’s course selection for their Sophomore year. The 2012-2013 High School Program of Studies is available on-line at the ISB web site ( )..

Grade 10: On-Line course Registration is March 16-26. Students are reminded that they need to seek recommendations/approval for their current Math, Language, and English teachers for courses selections for next year. Have a conversation about your children’s course selection for their Sophomore year. The 2012-2013 High School Program of Studies is available on-line at the ISB web site

( ).

Grade 11: There are still a few Juniors who have not submitted all their materials and made an appointment for their Junior University Meeting with their Counselor. Do it now!

On-Line course Registration is March 16-26. Students are reminded that they need to seek recommendations/approval for their current Math, Language, and English teachers for courses for next year. Juniors need to be sure they are registering for courses required for graduation!

Juniors (and their parents) are reminded to attend any and all university fairs and meet with admissions office representatives when they visit ISB.  Whether or not you intend to attend a particular university does not mean you cannot learn something about admissions, university organization, college majors, or learn helpful hints about the application process.  Watch Naviance for the list of university visits (and see below).

***University Admissions Lab*** Monday, March 26, room 3-203 – and will be open every MONDAY from 2:10-3:00, staffed by a High School Counselor to assist Juniors in their university search and research efforts.

Grade 12:

*As college decisions come in, students need to see their counselor to update Naviance.

**USA Student Visa Information Session – A representative from the US Embassy Bangkok Visa Section will be at ISB in April to give information about the student visa application process and to answer questions.  Mark your calendars: Wednesday, April 25, at 2:15pm.

Many Seniors will be learning the admissions decisions of their university applications over the next week or so.  Feel free to meet with your counselor to discuss the decision about which university to attend.  Remember, “double depositing” is not allowed.  You must choose only one university to send the admissions deposit!

Seniors applying through the UCAS application system (United Kingdom) should have received all offers or denials by this time.  You must return your decision about which university to save as a “Firm” acceptance and which to save as an “Insurance” acceptance . . . the rest you refuse by default.  See your counselor if you have any questions or need any help deciding.

New Blog Site:  We have a new blog ( where daytime and evening presentations will be posted for those that miss it “live.”

Reminder to All: Requests for documents (transcript, letters of recommendation, etc.) for summer programs or transferring to another high school (leaving ISB), please allow three weeks for processing.  Requests should be made to the student’s counselor.

Upcoming University Visits (Consult Naviance for any additions or changes)


Australian Universities March 26 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
Central Queensland University
Griffith University
Macquarie University
University of New South Wales
The University of Queensland
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
University of Western Australia
Saint Louis University March 27 @ Lunch, Counseling Office
Chapman University March 29 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
La Salle University
Miami University, Oxford (Ohio)
University of Oregon
University of California at Irvine March 30 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
University of Leeds (UCAS) March 30 @ Lunch, Counseling Office
Sciences Po-College Universitaire du Havre April 3 @ Lunch, Counseling Office
St. Olaf College April 3 @ Lunch, Room 3-203
Tufts University April 4 @ Lunch, Room 3-203

Please add to the last weeks’ list of university visits by Dr. Cathy Curtis -The universities visited (will visit) during the spring semester are:



UC Berkeley


Middle East

New York University – Abu Dhabi


King’s College

University of Edinburgh


York University

Guelph University

Ryerson University

University of Toronto

Western University

Cathy Curtis also spent a week reading applications at Harvard.  This was an invaluable experience as it re-affirmed the points that are the most important for any student applying to university.  The first criterion is that the student has challenged him/herself with the most rigorous curriculum possible for that student.  ISB offers that rigor and students do take advantage of being able to challenge themselves.  This is true whether the student decides to apply at the most selective schools or the less competitive ones – academic rigor is highly prized.

The Counselors

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