Native Language @ ISB

Community Resources

TED Talks en français + en español!


Students in ISB’s MS Native French and Spanish classes recently prepared TED-style talks in their native languages.

As part of the unit Wellbeing and Health, the students researched the theme, wrote speeches, and presented in Chevron Theatre in front of a small audience. 
Teacher Maite Montero-Nahoum writes, “Students were investigating how health and wellbeing are connected to personal choices and decisions, and how cultural values may influence these choices and decisions.  Students also investigated what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and how it is influenced by one’s culture and environment . . . all cultures can provide healthy diets but not necessarily in the same way.”
Many of ISB’s values could be found onstage, as students demonstrated courage, commitment and responsibility. Well done!
Photo: MS Native Spanish students in Chevron Theatre.

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