Calamari: ISB’s online leave application

Hat tip to Chad Bates for this information…
We are moving to an online Leave Application system for Certified Staff.  This Leave Application System was suggested by the Faculty Association, and is inline with our efforts to better use technology to improve school operations. The system we chose is called  ‘Calamari’ (….don’t ask, I have no idea). 
Calamari is built on G-Suite, meaning it’s accessible through your School Google account, or if your prefer there is an App for all smart phones.  Aside from processing leave applications, Calamari allows you to view your personal accrued leave and approval status.  
Take a minute to watch this short video to see how to use the system.  If your leave request requires a ‘sub’ we’d ask you still contact Khun Kaew : 087 980 3380 <>.   In the future as we build trust in the system, we believe this can be fully automated an complete online. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Configuration for Calamari App: The initial setup of the Calamari App requires a URL, use this address: and then login to the App with your School Google login.
Leave Types

Leave Type



Sick Leave

Teachers shall receive sick leave not to exceed thirty (30) working days per year. Sick leave credit shall accumulate to a maximum of ninety (90) working days. Sick leave days are not reimbursable upon termination of service.

A physician’s certificate shall be required for absences of three or more consecutive working days

You have an upset stomach.  You go to the doctor to get treatment for the upset stomach.

Immediate Family Sick leave

Up to 5 days of accrued sick leave per year may be used by the employee to attend to the illness of a spouse or child residing with the employee in Thailand.

Your child is sick and unable to come to school. They require parental presence either because of their age or the nature of the symptoms.

Personal Leave

A maximum of three days may be used annually for personal leave. Although a statement of reason for the personal leave is not required, the request for the use of the days should be submitted for approval to the respective school Principal as far in advance as possible. Bookings (e.g. flights) should not be made until approval has been given.

The intent is that days may be used for personal matters that cannot be attended to on days when school is in session. Examples of such matters include (but are not limited to), Special family events, Embassy, Banking business, Recruiting, Arrival of movers, Compassionate Leave, Scheduled medical appointments, Physical check‐up.

Personal days may not be taken in May or June or immediately preceding or following a school holiday or vacation without approval by the Head of School.

In order to complete the purchase of a house back home, you have to get particular documents notarized, transfer money at the bank, an/or meet with someone handling the paperwork. All of this can only happen during business hours of a work day.

You have a scheduled medical appointment not directly related to a current sick leave or need to have your full physical (the one that takes most of a day).

Bereavement Leave

A maximum of up to 10 working days shall be allowed for death/ burial/ cremation of an immediate family member. The immediate family is defined as spouse, parents, siblings and children.


Professional Leave

Approval should be obtained in advance by Principal before arrangements are confirmed.

  • Curriculum writing

  • Conferences or Workshops

  • Attending or leading IB Workshops (prior approval by Principal required)

Absent with Students


Attending IASAS/CC event as a coach/supervisor of students

Taking students on an off campus field trip – Examples

Two day Biology trip to EWC

Excursion downtown to ServICE conference

Accompanying students on a grade level trip while some of your other classes are still meeting at school, requiring a substitute.

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