Creativity is more necessary than ever!Creativity used to be considered something artists had in spades and mathematicians did not. Turns out, that was wrong. Creativity is what fuels innovation and solves problems — whether you’re an artist, a mathematician or a middle school librarian. Here’s what creativity looks like in the real world:It’s engineers who switched from making hockey equipment to designing shields for medical workers dealing with COVID-19 patients.
It’s workers at Ford Motor Company who McGuivered ventilators out of truck fans, battery packs and 3D printed parts to supply hospitals during the global pandemic. It’s UNICEF workers who trained people in Côte d’Ivoire to convert plastic waste into bricks that were used to build 500 classrooms.
Isn’t that exactly the mindset our students need to succeed in this new era?ISTE’s Creative Constructor Lab Virtual is a fully digital, immersive experience that brings together creative educators to experiment with digital storytelling, design thinking, coding and more to engage all students in all subject areas. It doesn’t matter if you teach math, earth science or fourth-grade language arts. You owe it to your students to design vibrant, media-rich projects online and off. We won’t just show you how; we’ll help you do it yourself with a community of inspiring and supportive educators. Plus this PD is flexible — learn live, on-demand or using audio only. You’ll get a week’s worth of learning you can return to again and again for about $100. Join us Oct. 3-10!