21CLHK Online Conference
Multiple forces around the world and across society are impacting education at the moment and there has never been a more opportune time to bring our events together in one virtual space.
- Covid-19 has meant schools, education systems and qualification authorities have been forced to radically rethink how they operate; everything from assessment, design of learning spaces, online learning, scheduling to pastoral care programs. What lessons can we learn from our response to this crisis that will endure?
- There is a new and urgent focus on all educational institutions to examine biases and evaluate their diversity in curriculum, recruitment and more.
- How do educational institutions respond holistically to providing an environment that enables student and educator wellness?
- What is the right way to structure professional learning communities within and between schools that will support the continued growth of individual educators, schools as well as the system of education itself.
- Even with all these new challenges we still have to deliver core educational subjects to students.
21CLHK Online brings together three key conference events

Session Types
Our events have always sought to balance the perspectives of leading academics and consultants in education with the voice of learning practitioners and of course the stakeholders that really matter – students. The event will feature the following session types:
- Keynote sessions – 30m Talks from Distinguished speakers with 30m of facilitated Q&A
- 40m Presentations from Leading Educators with Q&A
- 60m Live Interactive Sessions
- Panel discussions with 3-4 experts on common theme
- Extended Workshops that explore a particular topic in depth over the course of multiple synchronous sessions
- Your Voice Sessions: Facilitated sessions between participants around a topic of common interest or common job role
We Want Your Input!
We need your input to help design the conference program! Please consider completing our short survey!
Submit Idea
21CLHK is a community, and we need you to help make it happen. There are multiple ways to be involved in the event.
How Will We Connect Beyond Sessions?
We are committed to bringing a conference experience to a digital setting. Our conference platform will enable you to connect with fellow participants and build a PLN that lasts beyond the event itself. Aside from connecting digitally around content in the form of presentations, you will have the opportunity to message other attendees and connect around topics of common interest.
How Can I Be Involved?
21CLHK is a community, and we need you to help make it happen. There are multiple ways to be involved in the event. At the moment we are looking for volunteers for the following
- Chinese Teaching Strand Coordinator – Help us recruit speakers, and promote this strand
- Diversity and Social Justice Strand – Help us recruit speakers and promote this strand
- Virtual Sessions
- Presenters / Interactives Facilitators – Receive a registration discount for delivering a presentation
- Conference Volunteers – we will need support in hosting sessions and panels throughout the conference. Upon meeting the minimum hours you can receive discounts or free conference place.