Teacher Leaders: Empowering Students through Assessment
NEW! This is now also offered as a VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE 7 November – 5 December 2020
Research suggests that effective assessment practices can dramatically improve student learning. Assessment tools are most powerful when in the hands of master teachers who have the skills to democratize the classroom, put students in the driver’s seat and truly empower students as agents of their own learning. This online learning experience will help you as a teacher leader hone your leadership skills in developing, implementing, and monitoring assessment processes when leading a team, with an emphasis on implementing and monitoring.
During this learning experience we will explore the following questions:
What classroom assessment practices will contribute most to understanding and improving student learning?
What is the role of the teacher leader in supporting learning through effective assessment practices?
You will learn and practice how to:
Evaluate classroom assessments, common assessments and rubrics that exhibit characteristics of effective design.
Develop practical methods of grading and how to lead these conversations with your team.
Leverage the latest research on teaching and learning in your subject/grade level.
Lead and advise others on the process of aligning assessments with intended learnings in the curriculum.
Lead and advise others on the process of analyzing learning evidence from multiple sources.
Make decisions about what to do with learning evidence, including how to modify the curriculum.
Lead the process of adopting and using protocols for regularly looking at student work within your department and/or grade level.
Lead your team in designing effective assessment in the virtual learning environment.
How will I learn?
NEW! Online Learning Experiences: We are excited to launch this teacher leader experience ONLINE! Over the course of 4 weeks, you will explore four learning modules. Within each of those modules you will have opportunities to:
Watch and Learn
Get Perspectives from Others,
Practice Skills
Go Deeper with your learning.
You can anticipate 2.5- 3 hours of asynchronous learning per week, at least 1 job-embedded skill to practice each week, five Saturday Meet-Ups one hour in length (synchronous), to unpack the week’s learning together, discuss questions and preview the learning for the following week. We will offer two different time choices for the Saturday meet ups to accommodate different time zones. If you are looking for an opportunity to have job embedded practice, then our online learning experience is for you! You will have access to the course and course materials through 11 December 2020.
Synchronous Saturday Sessions 60 Minutes
7 November / 14 November / 21 November / 28 November / 5 December
Hong Kong 8:00 am | Tokyo 9:00 am
Paris 15:00 / Dubai 17:00
In-Person Learning Experiences: This course is offered during both our 5-day and 2-day institutes. Our 5-day institutes are held each June-July in Rome and Miami. Our 2-day institutes are held during the school year on a Friday and Saturday in various location throughout the world. The content in both the 5-day and 2-day institutes are the same however the intensive 2-day institutes are designed with the understanding that there will be fewer opportunities to practice skills in comparison to the 5-day courses. If this content is new for you, we would suggest registering for a 5-day learning experience so you can engage in multiple opportunities to practice new skills and have more time for in-depth conversations about new learnings.
Who is this experience for?
Heads of department, grade level/year groups leaders, instructional coaches and other s who lead teams in international schools. ASpiring teacher leaders are also encouraged to attend.
What is the cost of the online learning experience?
Per participant from a PTC member school: USD$450
Per participant from a non-member school: USD$500
What’s Next?
You will receive an email two weeks before the course begins with instructions to register for the synchronous sessions (using Zoom), instructions to access Schoology which will serve as our learning platform, and any final tasks you need to do to prepare for the course. If you have any questions please contact Kristen MacConnell, Director of the Teacher Training Center Programs at kmacconnell@theptc.org