
AI Tools for Making UDL Choice Boards

Please find the blog and video link here.  
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Artificial Intelligence and the SAMR Model ( videos from A.J. Juliani)

​Click Here to Watch the AI Video Review of Coursology, Magma Math, and the SAMR Implications​ I distinctly remember taking part in the Classrooms for the Future Grant as a new teacher, and having a Smartboard and Laptop cart in the classroom. Everything…
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A.I. for Educators: John Spencer

Please find the link to articles and videos here. A Beginner's guide to AI in Education  
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5 Ways ChatGPT Can Enhance Your PBL Experience ( Kyle Wagner)

From co-creating our essential questions, and planning milestones for learning experiences, to connecting to community resources and exhibiting student work, Chat GPT can manage tasks that previously sucked every spare minute…