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Project Echo-Parent Resources

    Dr Roby Marcou Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Consultation 9 hrs ·  https://echoautism.org/parent-resources-during-covid-19/
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Play-Based Learning Resources

Diane Kashin has put together resources focussed on play. With the article there are a variety of resources you can access, including videos. This is Peter Gray's definition of play from the article: Self-chosen and self-directed. An activity…
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Kath Murdoch Video for ISB Parents and Supporting Inquiry at Home

Please use the link here for the video from Kath Murdoch.  The password is isbinquiry. Please do not share this video outside of our ISB Community, per Kath's request.
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Fiona's Word Torque Site for Support with Virtual Word Inquiry!

I recently posted some suggestions for a couple of quick #wordinquiry practice activities to help Ss solidify their orthographic understanding. I’ll be running some short, sharp Zoom sessions soon to give Ts more ideas for keeping things ticking…
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Project Based Learning and Thinking Routines Mash Up!

Please find the link to the article here. Cultural Force of Routine: Four Types Routines are intentional moves and questioning strategies that scaffold students’ thinking in the moment as well as providing tools and patterns of thinking…