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A.J. Juliani- Free Virtual School Resources, including projects aligned to standards

Please use this link. Here are some other FREE resources that may help. Although, I’m sure the biggest help is that we continue to be there for each other as colleagues, friends, and people who are willing to lend a hand in a time of need. …
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The Kid Should See This- Thousands of Ready Made Videos for Your Students!

TKSST is an unprecedented collection of over 4,500 kid-friendly videos, curated for teachers and parents who want to share smarter, more meaningful media in the classroom and at home. Selections are grown-up-friendly, too. And…
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Parlay: The Future of Class Discussions and Conferences

Please find the link here. Parlay provides a clear set of steps for students: Read the prompt, write a response, incorporate peer feedback, and participate in a discussion. These steps provide a good setup for productive class discussion…
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Learning and Leading in Virtual Spaces! Webinar and Professional Learning with G. Couros, K. Novak and A.J. Juliani

In case you missed the live webinar, or in case you would like to watch it again, here is the link to the replay video (you can also share this with colleagues): Replay video: https://event.webinarjam.com/t/click/y8w32swhqh0h25mhv34fxc5 …