Project Based Learning and Thinking Routines Mash Up!
Please find the link to the article here.
Cultural Force of Routine: Four Types
Routines are intentional moves and questioning strategies that scaffold students’ thinking in the moment as well as providing tools and patterns of thinking…
EL Article: Accommodations, Modifications and Interventions at a Distance
Please find the link here.
ISB Curated Choice Boards: Google Folder
Please use the link here.
Making a Project-Based Learning Happen in Virtual School
Please find the link here.
Learning at Home: Support for Parents from PYP
Please find the link here.
Play Based Learning: Exploration and Inquiry
Diane Kashin sharing professional learning on exploration, play and inquiry.
Emergent curriculum: "What I found in my research, is that it is not easy to fully transition away from the limitations of themes to an emergent curriculum. Yet, it…
My Learning At Home: Resources for Parents from Manitoba Schools
Please find the link here.
Choose Your Own Learning: Lessons to Implement Now!
Thank you to Pernille Ripp for sharing these ideas and resources!
Link here.
International School Lausanne: Resources for Learning at Home/Choice Boards
Each icon below will link you to a category of activities that you might want to try while you #staysafeathome. These are just suggestions: we know we may not be able to offer anything better than what your imagination and creativity can come…
8 Reflective Questions to Help any Student Think About Their Learning
Please find the link here.