10 Predictions for Education in 2024 (5 minute video) A. J. Juliani
Please find the link here.

The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2023
Please find the link here.

Educating Digital Natives: Reshaping Educational Models for Future Generations
Please find the article here.

In Response to English -Only: A Translanguaging Call to Action
Please find the TIE post here.

Should we Evolve Traditional Teaching Practices?
Please find the blog link here,

Ongoing Student Self-Assessment Katie Novak
Please find the link here.

John Spencer and Katie Novak Podcast
Have a listen here.

Giving Retakes Their Best Chance to Improve Learning -T. Guskey
Please find the ASCD article here.

How Students Can use AI as a Learning Partner
Please find the blog here.

Bringing Common Core and the Mathematical Practices to Life
Please find the blog here.