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How to do PBL in remote and hybrid classrooms-Webinar

Yesterday, I did a webinar on how to do PBL in remote and hybrid classrooms. I’ve been doing more webinars lately and I love the excitement and energy of the process. The big focus was on how we can empower students to be self-directed in project-based learning. If you attended, thanks for showing up and being a part of the process. If you had to miss it, no worries! The replay options are below. Here are all of the links:

  • Replay the Whole Webinar:This option allows you to watch the whole webinar as if it were live. You’ll see the chat in real-time. However, you can’t rewind or pause it.
  • Replay the Video: This option allows you to replay the video. However, you don’t have access to the chat function.
  • View the Chat Log: This is ideal if you’d like to re-read the chat and look for recommendations from other educators.
  • View the Webinar Slideshow. It’s a PDF, so it should work on any device.
  • Access the Webinar Course Certificate: Print it out and add your name.
  • Check out the Webinar Resources. I have resources on distance learning, PBL, and other key topics that you might find helpful.
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