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4 Ways to Create Choice Menus in Distance Learning Classes from John Spencer

Please find the link to the article and podcast here.

Additional Free Resources for Distance Learning

Throughout the last few weeks, I’ve been creating free resources for teachers who areteaching in the midst of a quarantine. I’ve also created a few silly graphics like this quarantine traffic report as an escape from some of the darker news. But I thought I would share a few free classroom resources that might help you out on your distance learning journey. Here are ten free classroom resource activities for your distance learning classroom. You can download any of them for free. I also just finished the rollout of a free audiobook for children. It’s called Super Pizza. It’s fun and goofy and hopefully something your middle grade students might enjoy. You can download it here. In addition, I have a site with free video writing prompts.I’ve created three that dealt with social isolation and I have a new one I’ll be working on this week. Finally, I have a curated set of resources, blog posts, and materials on this topic of empowering students in distance learning environments. You can find it here. Again, thank you so much for what you do. Keep on experimenting and iterating and taking creative risks.

Stay safe,

Dr. John Spencer


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