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Kath Murdoch: Monday, May 11 @ 2pm BKK Time

OK. It’s happening. I am taking a deep breath and responding to requests for an online ‘webinar-workshop’ thingy and if this one goes well…I’ll do more! Obviously, when the world changed some weeks ago my working life changed dramatically too. Not being able to work in schools and not being able to travel have had a huge impact. BUT, I have been flexing my inquiry muscles. – thinking, talking, researching, wondering ….Ive enjoyed and will continue to enjoy awesome collaborations with colleagues in the inquiry world and I am also making some personal offerings. The first will be on MONDAY MAY 11 at 5 PM AEST. This is a one-hour, live webinar with opportunities for conversation and interaction so I am keeping the numbers down and will repeat if needed. I have chosen to do this first online workshop about the INQUIRY CYCLE and its role in the broader context of an inquiry based learning environment. And yes – you can harness the cycle in online/remote inquiry too. Time to bust some myths, explore the cycle in more depth and ask the questions you want to ask. To find out more and register – go here: https://www.kathmurdoch.com.au/shop/workshop-online-1

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