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Chapters International: Starting in May-Online Workshop/Inquiry in Action

How do we implement inquiry? This three days, 10 hours practical workshop aims to offer you inquiry experiences so that you can teach in an inquiry-based way.

On 23 and 24 May, participants start to examine their inquiry journey, explore five strategies implementing inquiry in the classroom with practical examples from a wide range of settings and to explore strategies in each of the phases of inquiry. Participants will have 2-week time to consolidate their understanding, followed by 2 hours guidance in developing a unit plan with the model of inquiry cycle on 6 June. In the planning session, a range of options is available to participants – according to need and interest. The planning time for different options will be announced on 24 May.

The participants have time to practice as authentically as possible, to see the immediate application to their work, leave with a plan of action, and feel supported by a community of professionals.

This workshop is suitable for all K-12 educators.

Day 1 – Saturday, 23 May 2020

Session 1 – 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

  • Get Personal
  • Stay Curious

Session 2 – 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

  • Ask More, Talk Less
  • Encourage Evidence
  • Extended Thinking Time
Day 2 – Sunday, 24 May 2020

Session 1 – 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

  • Inquiry Cycle
  • Strategies in Each of the Phase of Inquiry

Session 2 – 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

  • Strategies in Each of the Phase of Inquiry
Day 3 – Saturday, 6 June 2020

  • 2 hours Unit Planning Time
    (In this planning session, a range of options is available to participants – according to need and interest. The planning time for different options will be announced on 24 May.)
Lucy (Hoiyin) Wong, Ph.D., is a certified Dr H. Lynn Erickson and Dr Lois A. Lanning Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction Trainer and Presenter, a teacher, an author and an action research coordinator.

Before transitioning to her current position, she taught as a PYP bilingual classroom teacher. Lucy currently facilitates the development of Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction, supports K-12 literacy across the schools, and assists with the teacher induction and mentoring program.

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