Grade 2 Sharing the Planet and End of Year Celebration!


n May 31st we will be finishing our Sharing the Planet unit of study with 2 fabulous events! The students will be turning our classrooms into discovery centers where you can learn all about endangered species native to Southeast Asia. The students have been working on a variety of ways to showcase their knowledge. Please join us in the classrooms on May 31st at 10:00 for the presentations. Following the showcase, we will have a picnic together in the classrooms. Class parents will be in touch soon for help organizing food if they haven’t already.
We are also holding our first Silent Auction with artwork done by all the second graders. The artwork will be set up in room 204 and open to viewing from 9:00-10:00.  All money raised will benefit the Love Wildlife Foundation. We kicked off this unit with Nancy Gibson, founder of Love Wildlife. She came to ISB and spoke to Grade 2 about the endangered slow loris and how our students could be instrumental in her work. Our students wanted to help and felt this was the perfect action.
Mark your calendars for May 31st where you will learn all about endangered animals, bid on some artwork, and have a lovely picnic with your child.  More information to come.
Thank you,
The Grade 2 Team

From, Our Counselor

Dear Parents,

Our last guidance lesson of the year will be about peaceful problem-solving.  We’ve discussed Kelso’s choices throughout the year and have adopted them as our school-wide problem-solving model, but this lesson goes into a little more depth.  In this lesson, children will learn the importance of calming down before trying to problem solve.  They will also learn the STEP way to solve problems:
S- Say the Problem
T – Think of Solutions (Kelso’s Choices work great for this!)
E – Explore consequences of each solution
P-Pick the best solution
We will watch a video with real 2nd graders using this method, and we will practice with role plays.  There will also be a home link sent home with an activity you can do with your child.
It has been a pleasure delivering guidance lessons to your children this year, and I look forward to being their counselor again next year.
Ellen Thomas
Counselor, Grades 2 & 3


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