The tennis courts at ISB are like all ISB facilities, being primarily in place for student needs within Curriculum (PE) and Extra Curricula Activities (ISB Athletic Teams). Outside of all ISB needs the courts are available for the community tennis program, coordinated as the Panther Tennis Team and general community use. Community members who are students, staff, parents or alumni can book courts up till 9pm daily. Court priority is as follows:

  1. ISB Curricula and Extra-Curricula needs
  2. ISB Students receiving group lessons
  3. ISB students receiving a one on one lesson
  4. ISB adult community members receiving lessons
  5. ISB community members playing social tennis

In order to allow for community members to access the courts and have time for social tennis we aim to keep up to three courts open for community use where possible. These courts are courts 5,6 & 7. The process of making these bookings is explained in the following procedures and rules:

  1. Contact Khun Fon in the ISB Community Activities Office (beside the book store) to make a booking up to 2 weeks in advance. Khun Fon: Phone: (66) 02-963-5800 extension 1191 or
  2. Booking Rules:
    1. Booking times are on the hour (e.g. 6pm.-7pm)
    2. All players who will use the court must be listed on the booking and the booking must be made by one of these players.
    3. Maximum booked time under one person’s name is 4 hours per week, booked as either singles or doubles.
    4. You can only book up to 2 weeks into the future. Bookings open at 7am each day. Emails received before then are disregarded if they are more than two weeks in advance, if they are within two weeks they will be honored in the order they are received.
    5. If you are booking on the day, bookings close at 2pm. Court bookings on the day after this time are not accepted and any spare courts can be availed on a first come, first served basis
    6. If you are unable to play, please cancel your bookings as soon as possible.
    7. There is a ten-minute grace period for court bookings. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your booking time, the court becomes open for anyone to use on a first come, first served basis
  3. First come, first served basis etiquette:
    1. When a court is not booked or when someone does not show for their booking (more than 10 minutes late), or weekend/holiday use then the first come first served etiquette takes place as follows
    2. Maximum time on the courts is one hour per session when others are waiting to use a court whether playing singles or doubles.
    3. Change of courts should take place on the hour (e.g. Players A & B begin playing on court 3 at 9.15am on a Saturday morning, by 9.50 there are no more courts available. Players A & B should move off the court at 10.00am if there are people wanting to use a court).
    4. If no one is waiting for a court then players can continue beyond the one-hour limit.
    5. There is no limit to how many days a week a person can use a court on a first come first served basis.
  4. Please finish on time. This means that your game should be finishing before the hour and you should be making the court available at the start of the hour
  5. Your booking is only confirmed when you see it online! Please check your court bookings time and date at the link below
  6. The tennis court bookings are also posted at the bulletin board beside the Panther Tennis Team office by 3.45pm for that day (Weekdays only).

It is understood that no outside coaches or knockers will coach or hit on the ISB Tennis Courts without the prior approval of the Athletics Director. All coaching is to be provided by the Panther Tennis Team.

Happy Hitting!

Old Courts:

Tennis Court 1
Tennis Court 2
Tennis Court 3
Tennis Court 4
Tennis Court 5
Tennis Court 6
Tennis Court 7

New Courts:
Sports Complex Tennis Court 1
Sports Complex Tennis Court 2
Sports Complex Tennis Court 3
Sports Complex Tennis Court 4
Sports Complex Tennis Court 5